Special Education PTSA: Sip and Chat, Tuesday,9/28 at 7:30pm

Special Education PTSA: Sip and Chat, Tuesday,9/28 at 7:30pm Sip & Chat is hosted by the Seattle Special Education PTSA and is a community gathering with families of students with disabilities. We come together to listen to our community, support each other, share information, and develop relationships. Please join us for a virtual back-to-school check Read More >>

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Meeting at 7:30 PM

Join the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee! We are a committee with in the View Ridge Community that expands to bring people in, educate ourselves and create an inclusive environment for our school. All are welcome The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will be meeting twice a month this year. Come when you can - no worries Read More >>

Puget Sound Buddy Walk – Acceptance, Inclusion and Respect For Individuals with Down Syndrome

Downtown Bellevue Park 10201 NE 4th St, Bellevue, United States

Puget Sound Buddy Walk:  Sunday, October 10th, is the 25th Annual Puget Sound Buddy walk, to promote Acceptance, Inclusion and Respect for individuals with Down syndrome. This will be a hybrid celebration to accommodate all. The in-person celebration will be held at Downtown Bellevue Park, from 11:00am-1:00pm. While the virtual participants can take part by walking from anywhere in the world! The Down Read More >>

10/11 – 10/15 Virtual Book Fair

The View Ridge Elementary PTA is partnering with Third Place Books to offer a virtual book fair as a substitute for the regular in-school book fair programming of years past.  Third Place Books uses the virtual fair to as a way to continue fostering a love of reading outside the walls of its bookstores, and Read More >>

Introductory Meeting to Seattle Special Education PTSA

This meeting will serve as a welcome and introduction of our PTSA to families of students with disabilities who are new to SPS this fall. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83720864191?pwd=Wlk1eXo0L1VVU3RjaUtuelVSTWpEUT09 Meeting ID: 837 2086 4191 Passcode: 350376

10/12 VRE PTA General Meeting 7:00-8:30pm

Hello! View Ridge PTA welcomes the View Ridge Parent and Staff Community to our PTA Meeting. Please let us know by October 5, 2021, if you need a translator or childcare (if in person) by emailing dei@viewridgeschool.org Location or Link : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTI5YTNkNTAtYjgxZi00ZDk3LWIzNmYtMjQyZTE5YjFhOTk3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c3c90b79-c825-487e-9e9e-d214cce87f66%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2285c32acd-6d9e-445e-996d-bf148d824fc8%22%7d Our PTA General Meeting will be held on October 12, 2021, at 7:00 Read More >>

10/14 College/Career Day (wear your gear!)

Discover U College/Career Week is October 11th-15th. It is a region-wide initiative to close the achievement gaps for low-income students and children of color, as well as increase achievement for all students by providing students from Pre-K to 12th grade the opportunity to explore their interests, learn about college pathways, and career options.   View Read More >>

10/19 Garden Party Clean-up 2:30-4:00pm

Please join the VRE Beautification Committee on Tuesday after school. We will be doing some light weeding, cleaning, and trash clean up around school grounds. Meet at the school garden (SW corner of the building). There will be some spooky surprises and even maybe treats!

Seattle Special Education PTSA General Meeting

Tuesday, October 19th, 7:00-9:00pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89606367835?pwd=Q3YybHNVN21sa01aRTZNeUxReFpnQT09Meeting ID: 896 0636 7835 Passcode: 510932 

Garden Party Clean-up

Please join the VRE Beautification Committee on Tuesday after school. We will be doing some light weeding, cleaning, and trash clean up around school grounds. Meet at the school garden (SW corner of the building). There will be some spooky surprises and even maybe treats!