Calling all scientists!
We are so excited to host Family Science Night on April 21st! Here’s how you can participate:
- Attend – April 21st 6-8pm (sensory friendly preview 5:30pm) at View Ridge Elementary, free event. Just show up for a fun (and sneakily educational) evening. Can you build a paper helicopter that will land on a target? How far can you launch tin foil with a catapult you’ve built from popsicle sticks? Is it possible to cut a hole in an index card you can walk through? And what can you learn about camouflage using M&Ms? Join us to find out!
- Volunteer/Recruit Volunteers – We need between 25 and 50 volunteers to successfully run this event. Help with pre-event prep, setup, teardown, or running activity stations. Activity stations are split into two shifts so you can attend with a child for half the event (you should be able to complete most activities in ~ 1 hour) and volunteer the other half. Community members and high school students welcome – recruit your family and friends!
- Donate Supplies – Help us defray the cost of the event by donating supplies. Ship to “gift registry address”. Most supplies cost $5-$10. We appreciate any and all contributions!
Questions? Email