Join the View Ridge Elementary Community at the 2024 Auction
Auction tickets are now available here!
Please Join Us in Celebration:
First, a heartfelt thank you to all who donated to the Otter Fund over the course of Giving Tuesday and over the last few weeks. Through the generosity of donors, just over $20,000 has been raised.
Second, you are cordially invited to VRE’s annual auction the evening of Friday, February 2nd that is meant to both celebrate the 75+ years of excellence at View Ridge and fundraise the additional $150,000+ we will need to support staffing next year. All are encouraged to attend this community-building event, and while there is a suggested ticket price, please simply give what you can upon registration, be it $200 or $0 a ticket. The event is as much about celebrating our community as it is raising funds!
As a quick reminder, this is why we fundraise:
1. Staffing. This is where 75%+ of our fund-raising goes. Seattle School District does NOT cover all of View Ridge’s staffing needs. In years past, the PTA has supplemented staffing expenses to the tune of $200,000. For 2023-2024, we were able to give $130,000 to keep our office assistant and librarian full-time. Because View Ridge is a Tier 4 school, we receive the least financial support from the district.
2. The PTA’s operating expenses. The remainder of our fundraising both directly supports VRE by covering online learning tools, new books, assemblies, workshops, field trips and 5th grade graduation, as well as helps cover the fees for holding our community building events such as Boo Ridge, our Back-to-School picnic, Science Night, etc. The PTA’s few operating costs include accounting, website and insurance.
Auction Format:
This year’s auction is comprised of three different categories:
Live Auction – The items selected for the live auction on February 2nd are the “big ticket” items; vacation homes, unique experiences and the like. In order to bid on live auction items, you must register and attend the celebration. You do not want to miss the opportunity to bid these items!
Online Auction – The online auction will open January 26th and close on February 3rd. Purchase of a ticket for the February 2nd event is not required to bid on the online auction. With that – send the link to your friends, family and loved ones and encourage them to join the fun too!
Sign-up Experiences – The sign-up experiences are sold on a first come-first-serve basis. These experiences include grade-level parent parties, teacher experiences, etc. Sign-ups for these experiences will open January 26th and will conclude when the event sells out or the event takes place (whichever occurs first). You can sign up for these experiences on the online auction page.
“Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” MLK