Our Kids, Our Schools: Impacts of Legislation on Our Future
You are invited to join Directors Rankin and Song Maritz in a community discussion facilitated by SCPTSA about state legislative issues, the impact on SPS budget, and what it all means for our students now and into the future. Live transcription closed captions as provided by zoom
- For accommodations and interpretation requests, including ASL please contact president@scptsa.org
- Si necesita adaptaciones, incluido el idioma o la interpretación, comuníquese con president@scptsa.org
- 如果您需要住宿,包括语言或翻译,请联系 president@scptsa.org
- Haddii aad u baahan tahay hoy, oo ay ku jiraan luqadda ama tarjumaada, fadlan la xiriir president@scptsa.org
- ቋንቋን ወይም ትርጓሜዎችን ጨምሮ ማረፊያዎች ከፈለጉ፣ እባክዎን ወደ president@scptsa.org
- Nếu bạn cần hỗ trợ, bao gồm cả ngôn ngữ hoặc thông dịch, vui lòng liên hệ president@scptsa.org
DATE Mar 29, 2023
TIME 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
MEETING ID : 846 6641 1703
Please Register BY MARCH 26 for this meeting: