View Ridge Volunteers!
Welcome to the View Ridge Elementary School PTA
If you are new to PTA or the school, we have plenty of opportunities for you. Filling out the Survey helps us align you with the community or committees that you need.a
Volunteer At View Ridge Elementary
Want to explore what opportunities are available? Fill out this Survey!
View Ridge Elementary is dependent upon the community support of volunteers. From events to in-building support to communications and leadership, we need your help to serve our community.
Please click Here to find out what opportunities are available.
If you want to be a building volunteer or the classroom, you need to be an SPS Volunteer.
There is a background check fee. If this is a barrier, please contact volunteer@viewridgeschool.org and we can reimburse you for the cost for in-building volunteers.
If you are unsure of your status, contact Denise at the front office dbkoenig@seattleschools.org
Current Volunteer Opportunities
BOO RIDGE IS BACK. Would you or your middle school/high school like to volunteer? We are thrilled to bring back this All-School Event for the community. It might look a little different, but in order to create a sustainable event, we need volunteers to support! We are in need of volunteers before, during and after the event. If you are interested and would like more information, please email Heather, our Boo Ridge Chair Shout out to Heather and Megan for stepping up! This is a beloved community carnival for families to enjoy. Middle school and high school student volunteers will receive a letter of their community service for their respective schools.
Snack Donation (Remote)
View Ridge PTA is seeking donations of healthy, nut-free snacks for the Nurse’s Office. Nurse Pamela will distribute these snacks to students who are in need of food or an energy boost.
Here’s a list of recommended snack types (snacks in individual packages please):
- Applesauce cups
- Nut-free granola or energy bars
- Craisin boxes
- Crackers/goldfish/popcorn/pretzels
- Yogurt squeeze tubes/pouches
- Cheese sticks
- Jerky meat sticks
Requested size: package of 24 individual items (or more)
Please review the available slots in the signup genius and click on the button to sign up.
For the slot (week) that you sign up for, please bring your snack donation to the table just inside the school doors at the flagpole entrance (off of 50th St.) at drop off or pick up. Please attach a note that the snack is for “Nurse’s Office – Donation”. Donation can be brought in any day on the week that you sign up for.
Thank you for supporting student wellness!
View Ridge PTA – Otter Packs/Hunger Intervention Program
In Coordination with Eckstein Middle School
Where: Saint Stephen’s Church 4805 NE 45th St.
Great Hall-Take the easternmost stairs down.
Eckstein Middle PTSA continue to oversee weekend food bag assembly and delivery to EMS and feeder elementary schools families.
Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church is providing space for assembling and storing weekend food bags.
Please sign up. Thank you for supporting our students.
(Masks and hand sanitizer will be available)
What is Bike Team?
Bike Teams is group of volunteers that help support the Bike unit for Physical Education. Volunteers help store, tune, repair and donate bikes.
Contact Ms. Shaw if you want to help!
Yearbook is a committee of Family Volunteers that help capture the school year
In School Volunteer
Lunchroom & Recess Support (In Person)
We need some support onsite in the lunchroom – especially for our kindergarten kids
Kindergarten Support Lunch is 10:20 – 10:40AM
Kindergarten Recess is 10:40-11:00AM
Full Lunch is 10:20-11:20 AM
Primary Playground support is needed from 11:10 am – 11:30 am
How do I volunteer?
1. Make sure you are an SPS Approved Building Volunteer
New Volunteer – Go Here
Returning Volunteer – Go Here (2 Years must be renewed)
Contact Admin at VRE if you are unsure of your status
Email: llmoore@seattleschools.org
2. Sign up for a shift (see below)
3. PLEASE check in at the Front Office.
4. Grab a volunteer badge. If you are helping out at recess, grab a blue safety vest and a badge so students can identify you as a helper
Click HERE for sign up in October
Click HERE to sign up for November & December
Our school needs support. Ask your teacher directly on how you can support your classroom.
Sometimes our buildings need help.
If you would like to be an office support, library helper, nurse helper or more! Let us know!