Due to the new school schedule, the SPS district will not start reviewing onsite After School Enrichment until 09/28. From there, it is a 15-day wait period for it to be processed. We will do the best that we can as volunteers.
Before school let out, we polled students at lunch about what activities they enjoyed. We reached out to previous vendors, and some have struggled to find staff.
We are working to expedite it. Our enrichment partners are eager to return to the building.
Registration for our Classes will be on 6 crickets around the 4th of October.
Please stay tuned!
Volunteer Request: We need more volunteers to help chaperone and host these vendors. If you are interested, please email June and Kaelyn at volunteer@viewridgeschool.org
If you or you know someone in the community that would like to start a Disc NW Ultimate Frisbee Team, we would love to help support that.
Community Partners Fall 2022
Magic : The Gathering (Mr. Azer)
The Piano Keyboard Club
Baking Classes with Silvana
Stone Soup (Drama)
Sponge Languages Mandarin & Spanish
Creative Coding
Pacifica Writer’s Workshop
Calico Quest : Dungeons & Dragons
Orlov Beginner Chess
One-on-One Basketball