As of Friday, February 4th, the 90 bills that WSPTA is watching, 35 have moved out of their policy or fiscal committees and onto a budget committee (Appropriations, Finance, Capital Budget, and Ways & Means) and 15 bills have moved directly to either the Senate or House Rules Committees. Any bills sent to a budget committee must pass the fiscal committee by February 7th.
The “Big 3” bills to stabilize school district funding due to enrollment decline (SSB 5563/HB 1590), increase school staffing ratios for school counselors, nurses, psychiatrists, and social workers (SSB 5595/SHB 1664), and improve funding to support transportation for students with disabilities or highly mobile students (SHB 1808/SB 5581) have all moved on to the Senate Ways and Means committee.
Look for a final tally of the bills that survived on VRE’s facebook page.