Legislative Session is underway and there are many ways you can advocate for our otters! Your actions throughout this week will be quick and easy but will make a tremendous impact!
Focus on Advocacy Day, January 17th
What is Focus on Advocacy Day? Focus on Advocacy Day is when WSPTA leaders and members meet with their state representatives and senators to share the PTA mission and priorities, but it also kicks off a full week of member advocacy!
Focus on Advocacy Week, January 17th-21st

Each day will focus on an important part of the WSPTA platform. The best (and easiest) way to participate is by subscribing to the WSPTA Action Network so that you receive the daily “calls to action” for this week and periodically throughout the legislative session. You will be provided with easily customizable messages that the action alert system will automatically send to your legislators. It is easy to do and only takes a few minutes! It will be so easy that you can take action from home, while waiting for a coffee order, or standing in your child’s pick-up line!
We also encourage you to share your advocacy work on your personal social media accounts throughout the week using the hashtag #WSPTAOneVoice.
- Monday, January 17 – Call to Action: Focus on Dismantling Racism
- Tuesday, January 18 – Call to Action: Focus on Equity
- Wednesday, January 19 – Call to Action: Focus on Mental Health & Wellness
- Thursday, January 20 – Call to Action: Focus on Preserving Funding
- Friday, January 21 – Call to Action: Focus on Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Legislative Session: January 10th-March 10th
- Sign-up for action alerts from the Washington State PTA on key bills and priority issues. Weighing-in takes just a few minutes and is essential so that legislators know what’s most important to our families and community.
- Contact your legislator about issues and legislation that is important to you.
- Track important bills and hearings related to WSPTA legislative priorities and long-term positions with the WSPTA Bill Status Report.
- Feel really passionate about a particular issue? Consider signing up to testify or submit written testimony.
Dinner Table Advocacy

Have a family discussion to decide on the recipe for the perfect pizza. Should it be thin or thick crust? Have cheese or not? Lots of toppings or a few? Encourage each other to speak up about their preferences while trying to persuade others. When a disagreement arises, discuss ways of working out a fair decision. Raise the issue of minority rights – what if someone has a gluten or dairy allergy? Should we consider using different ingredients so they can all share the pizza? Can we always accommodate everyone’s needs perfectly? What are some other fair alternatives?
Afterwards, explain that this is very similar to how legislators have to negotiate and make decisions about issues affecting a large group of people. Advocacy education!
Learn about the SPS Levies
Every 3 years, SPS asks the community to consider renewing levies that fund staff, technology, programs and build or repair school buildings. As K-12 school districts are not fully funded by the state, districts rely heavily upon this funding. Last week, the View Ridge PTA voted and enthusiastically, endorsed both levies. If you would like to learn more about the levies and how school funding works, we encourage you to attend the Civic Engagement Night on Thursday, January 20th.
Cohosted with Thornton Creek PTA, and Thornton Creek Parent Group. We will start the night with a family read-aloud, followed by a presentation and Q&A with SPS Assistant Superintendent of Business & Finance, Jolynn Berge. The presentation will provide an overview of the Educational Programs & Operations Levy and the Building, Technology, Academics/Athletics Levy.
January 20, 2022 6:30 PM
Click here to join the Zoom meeting.