Support our Community School
View Ridge Elementary is a special place. Being an “Otter” is something of a badge of honor that is worn with pride well beyond a person’s years at the school. From our promising young scholars to the deep and talented roster of educators who occupy the halls each day, View Ridge has that feeling we all wish for our children to experience each day. BUT on this Giving Tuesday, our beloved neighborhood school needs our help. We live in a state where the legislature repeatedly fails to fully fund education, and what is considered “fully funded” includes little beyond core curriculum. With the financial support of our families and community, our dollars buy what district funds don’t cover:
- Open library every school day, all day
- Greater access to counseling, nursing, reading and math specialists
- Full time teachers and programs in the arts and music
It’s absolutely mind boggling to think these positions are not funded by our taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, this is our reality and without the financial support from our community, the future of View Ridge is not the one we wish for our scholars and educators. Imagine a year at View Ridge without a library open every day – without a quiet space to develop and nurture a love of reading. Imagine a View Ridge without the joyful sound of music every day. Imagine a View Ridge without the full-time support of a nurse and counselor to assist our scholars in their time of need. IMAGINE we had not funded these positions over the last two years when their impact on our community was at its most critical. Imagine… When we give to the Otter Fund we are raising critical funds to ensure our school can offer the most effective learning with curriculum support to enrich our children. When we give, we are supporting our teachers, staff and PTA with the flexibility to provide our scholars with interesting, enriching and thoughtful learning opportunities in and out of the classroom. When we give, we ensure View Ridge is equipped for success. For the 2021-2022 school year, the PTA is asking for you to consider giving your time and treasure twice, now and in the New Year. First, we ask that you give NOW, on this Giving Tuesday (or before the end of the 2021 taxable year). If you and yours have any charitable funds left to give this taxable year, please do not delay. Funds raised now and through the end of the 2021 taxable year will immediately be put to work, ensuring we can fund these essential positions in the 2022-2023 school year. Historically, the Otter Fund writes a check of upwards of $200,000 each year to support these positions. Today, we have $50,0000 to give. In short, we are facing a significant deficit and the impact will be immediate in the 2022-2023 school year. Please do not delay and give here TODAY. Our neighborhood school is a community-wide effort built on a history of families who give both time and treasure. Now is our time. With Gratitude, Jennifer Harris & Shauna LarsenView Ridge Elementary PTA Otter Fund Co-Chairs