View Ridge Supply List 2021-2022
If any or all of these items present difficulty for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to supply needed items to any student.

Gym shoes and socks are required dress on PE days.
Kindergarten Supply List
If you are unable to provide any of the “supplies” listed above, please let your child’s teacher know or contact Family Support
Here are some individual items you can support with:
- Backpack- big enough to fit a legal-size folder
- Sport-Top water bottle
- Lunch box (if bringing lunch)
- We also ask parents to put their child’s name on everything the child will be bringing to school (coat, lunchbox, water bottle, backpack, etc.).
- $25.00 for end of year Memory Book Project (left over funds are used for a class celebration)
If you are unable to provide any of the “supplies” listed above, please let your child’s teacher know.
The Kindergarten Team
1st Grade
Printer friendly first grade supply list
First Grade Supply List
In lieu of an emergency kit, we are asking for a reassuring letter/photo(s) to help calm your child if there’s a challenging situation at school. Please place these in an envelope marked with your child’s name. We are in the process of creating communal emergency supplies that don’t need to be replaced each year.
1 Bicycle helmet, labeled and fitted properly, for PE
2 Pink bevel erasers (Latex free)
1 Package Crayola crayons (16 count)
4 Avery permanent white glue stick (1.27oz)
1 Red pocket only folder
1 Package Crayola Ultra Clean Wash Thick Markers (8 count)
2 Packages of 3×3 assorted sticky notes (50 count)
1 Package Crayola 7” colored pre-sharpened pencils (12 count)
1 Pencil box
Supplies to be shared with class:
1Box of tissue
2nd Grade
Printer friendly second grade supply list
Second Grade Supply List
In lieu of an emergency kit, we are asking for a reassuring letter/photo(s) to help calm your child if there’s a challenging situation at school. Please place these in an envelope marked with your child’s name. We are in the process of creating communal emergency supplies that don’t need to be replaced each year.
1 Bicycle helmet, labeled and fitted properly, for PE
1 Package of #2 Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils (24 count)
2 Pink pearl erasers
1 Box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 Large box of facial tissue
1 Pair of scissors (5″ size)
1 Box of pre-sharpened colored pencils (24 count)
4 Avery white glue sticks (0.26oz size)
1 Plastic school box (8.5″ x 5.75″ x 2.5″)
3 Wide ruled black marble composition books (9 3/4″ x 7 1/2″)
1 Sharpie pen – black
1 4-pack 3 x 3″ post-it pads
3 Expo low-odor blue dry erase markers (regular chisel tip)
2 Plastic folders with pockets at the bottom
1 3-ring notebook ( 1/2″ size white with clear view cover)
3rd Grade
Printer friendly third grade supply list
Third Grade Supply List
In lieu of an emergency kit, we are asking for a reassuring letter/photo(s) to help calm your child if there’s a challenging situation at school. Please place these in an envelope marked with your child’s name. We are in the process of creating communal emergency supplies that don’t need to be replaced each year.
1 Bicycle helmet, labeled and fitted properly, for PE
12 Pre-sharpened pencils (Not Office Depot brand)
3 Regular erasers
12 Colored pencils
1 Large box of Kleenex
1 Pair of scissors
1 School box (8.5” x 6” x 2.25”)
1 Pack of wide ruled notebook paper
1 Bottle hand sanitizer
1 Plastic folder with pockets
2 Colored folders with pockets (red, blue)
2 Composition books
2 Black dry erase markers (not thin)
1 Glue stick
1/2 inch binder (for PE)
4th Grade
Printer friendly fourth grade supply list
Fourth Grade Supply List
In lieu of an emergency kit, we are asking for a reassuring letter/photo(s) to help calm your child if there’s a challenging situation at school. Please place these in an envelope marked with your child’s name. We are in the process of creating communal emergency supplies that don’t need to be replaced each year.
1 Bicycle helmet, labeled and fitted properly, for PE
1 Spiral notebook, single subject
1 Composition notebook
1 Pencil box
24 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils
12-24 Colored Pencils
1 Large eraser
1 Highlighter
1 Pair of scissors
2 Large Avery glue sticks
2 Dry erase markers
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Canister disinfectant wipes
1 – 8oz hand sanitizer
5th Grade
Printer friendly fifth grade supply list
Fifth Grade Supply List
In lieu of an emergency kit, we are asking for a reassuring letter/photo(s) to help calm your child if there’s a challenging situation at school. Please place these in an envelope marked with your child’s name. We are in the process of creating communal emergency supplies that don’t need to be replaced each year.
1 Bicycle helmet, labeled and fitted properly, for PE
1 Package 5-tab dividers with pockets and write-on tabs
2 Packages of #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pre-sharpened pencils (24 count)
1 Eraser
1 Box of colored pencils (12 count)
1 Yellow highlighter
1 Pair of scissors
1 Hand-held pencil sharpener
1 Soft-tipped stylus for touch-screen laptop
1 Pair of headphones/earbuds, in baggie labeled with student name
1 Box Kleenex tissue
1 Hand sanitizer (that kills 99.9% of germs), individual-sized
1 Canister Clorox wipes (if available), unscented – Optional class donation