The Sand Point Community Church generously allows View Ridge to use their parking lot for drop off and pick up, and for parking during the school day. As such, a reminder about the rules our community needs to follow in order to maintain access:
- Park ONLY in white spaces. Every yellow space is reserved, all day, for church visitors and staff.
- Car engine idling is prohibited.
- Drive slowly, with a high degree of caution. There are lots of people walking in the parking lot at all times of day.
- The church parking lot will be unavailable after drop off on Tuesday, June 4 (parents volunteering for Field Day need to utilize street parking) and Thursday, June 20 (people attending 5th grade promotion need to utilize street parking).
- No evening parking for school events.
Finally, a reminder that Washington law requires that all children under 13 years old be transported in the back seat “where it is practical to do so.” Even if it’s only for a short distance, the police can ticket drivers who allow a child under 13 to ride in the front seat when back seats are available.