We’re seeking current View Ridge family volunteers for our Buddy Program, which matches new families with incoming 1st – 5th graders with existing View Ridge families. Pairings are made to match families with kids of the same grade and gender, so we need a large group of potential volunteers for success. The program provides incoming students with the opportunity to know at least one student before they start the school year, as well as provide a connection for incoming parents looking for an inside scoop on how to navigate the school.
The time commitment is minimal. Buddy families are encouraged to meet the new family over the summer, with suggested activities such as meeting the new family at an incoming student View Ridge park playdate or a leading a walking/scooter tour around the school exterior.
If you are interested in participating as a Buddy, please email Sunshine Feldman as soon as possible. Please include your child(ren)’s genders and grade levels for next year.