Each year, Enrollment Planning works with various other departments to review the Student Assignment Plan (SAP) and make updates as needed. Additionally, the High School Boundary Task Force has been meeting to make recommendations on high school boundary changes for 2019-20 when Lincoln High School opens. The various departments and Task Force are still reviewing potential changes, but the district has scheduled five open house style meetings to share SAP updates, recommended adjustments to Advanced Learning and gather feedback on High School Boundary scenarios. Below are the scheduled open house meetings. SPS welcomes you to attend. Information and updates on these engagements will be posted on the District website here. They will be sending various communications to our families on these engagements and timelines over the next several months. Additionally, the Communications team has been coordinating an online engagement around potential changes to Advanced Learning services. Please look for the email from ThoughtExhange with a link to the survey. Questions may be directed to the following for specific topic:
- Student Assignment Plan, Boundaries: enrollmentplanning@seattleschools.org
- Advanced Learning: advlearn@seattleschools.org
- Engagement: communityengagement@seattleschools.org