Hello, my name is Veronica Wood. My family both attends View Ridge and is one of the neighbors of the school. We live on 49th Ave NE, which is the street that leads to the Kindergarten wing. My car was hit on Friday and no note was left. Our street and 48th Ave NE become very congested during drop off and pick up times. They are narrow, dead-end streets and in the time we’ve lived here there have been many incidences between the people who live here and the parents who drop their children off at the school. People have blocked driveways, yelled and behaved poorly, and driven way too fast on a street full of walking children. Other cars have been hit. In fact, this isn’t even the first time one of our cars have.
I would like to make a personal appeal (as well as on behalf of the other neighbors) to the parents who use these streets. Please consider parking your car on 75th Street, or using the church parking lot south of school for drop-off and pick-up. It would make this whole area less dangerous and uncomfortable. It would greatly improve the relations between the school and the area around it. It would be appreciated by many.
If you have had an accident, please come forward or leave a note. If you have witnessed an accident, please don’t assume the person is doing the right thing and drive off without trying to contact the victim. The choices you make are being modeled directly in front of your children.
Thank You
A reminder from our Co-Presidents…
Church parking lot Guidelines:
- Please park in the parking spaces painted in white only. The yellow spaces are to be saved for church parishioners, Sandhurst Cooperative Preschool parents and the Boys and Girls Club families only, at all times. If there are no spaces available, please consider parking along 70th.
- Please do not block traffic by parking or idling/waiting in the drive thru lane. Parking and/or waiting in this area is prohibited. If you are stopped in this designated “No Parking” area, you are blocking traffic and making it difficult for students to walk along the pedestrian path. Parking in the area designated “Unloading” is also prohibited. This included the little area at the NW corner of the parking lot too. Please don’t park there.
- The handicap parking spaces are reserved for people with a permit. Please don’t use those spaces illegally even if you are just waiting.
- Please drive slowly and cautiously. 10 miles per hour is plenty.
Tips for parking in the surrounding neighborhoods:
- Arrive early
- Don’t block driveways or park in driveways
- If there is no space find a new area to park
- Be courteous
- Report concerns or issues to the school or PTA so we can define problems and come up with solutions
Thank you so much for helping us keep the Church partnership positive and neighbors happy!